Call to join the 4th EFFS-EFYR Freshproject Phytoplastics
Plastics constitute suitable substrates for the colonization by microalgae and represent a new habitat for rafting organisms to the point that the term “plastisphere” was coined to define the diverse community growing on the surface of plastic debris. However, further research is needed to explore the microalge-plastic interactions and several questions remain to be addressed.

We invite early career researchers to join this collaborative endeavour of FRESH-water Sciences in Europe.
Deadline for participation: July 15th.
To be able to paricipate, it is necessary to:
- be a Bachelor student, Master student, PhD student, or early Post‐Doc (PhD completion later than 31st December 2019)
- be already a member/or join one of the limnological societies federated within EFFS (for a list see both pages here)
- have enough time to perform the sampling activities (4 days for 4 sampling seasons) and any other project activity (data analysis, writing, meetings, etc)
- have access to basic limnological equipment (multiparametric probe)
- actively participate in the project
What do you gain from the participation?
- You will be part of a network of young freshwater scientists
- You will increase your knowledge about relevant topics in limnological research (microalgae and microplastics)
- You will enhance your soft-skills
- You will contribute to an international project
- Co-authorship in scientific publications
More information.