1887: On the initiative of François Alphonse Forel, a "Limnological Commission" is founded at the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Natural Sciences (S.N.G.), consisting of the three gentlemen: Prof. Forel from Morges, Chief Forestry Inspector Coaz, and Privatdozent Asper from Zurich.
1893: Formation of a River Commission.
1907: Merger of the River Commission and the Limnological Commission into the Hydrological Commission of the S.N.G.
1915: Dissolution of the Hydrological Commission. It is replaced by the Hydrobiological Commission (HBK).
1947: The S.N.G. re-establishes the Hydrological Commission.
1985: Establishment of the Swiss Society for Limnology (SSL). It assumes the tasks of the HBK. The HBK focuses its activities on the journal Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Hydrologie (from 1989 "Aquatic Sciences").
1990: The Hydrobiological Commission and the Hydrological Commission integrate into the SSL, which becomes the SSHL (Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology).
The history of the SSHL is described in a summary document written by Peter Perret (President of the HBK from 1982 and editor of the Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Hydrologie) in 2001.