Membro della SCNAT

La SSHL è impegnata nella protezione delle acque e nell'uso sostenibile delle risorse idriche. Essa riunisce le competenze di varie discipline e si impegna a promuoverne un impiego mirato ed efficace.di più

Immagine: thomasfuer, photocase.dedi più

Climate Visuals: online image gallery to communicate climate change

The website contains a growing library of climate change images

Climate Visuals Website

Climate Visuals is an evidence-based resource for visual climate change communication. Based on research involving thousands of citizens in the UK, US and Germany during 2015, the website centres on seven key principles for visually communicating climate change. It contains a growing, interactive library of images to provide inspiration and guidance for journalists, campaigners, bloggers and anyone else using imagery to communicate about climate change.

All images are categorised to reflect the different aims communicators may have and captioned with an explanation of why they were chosen. Many images are available to download and use directly in blogs, articles and campaigns.

Climate Visuals image gallery:


Climate Visuals Website Video
