Membro della SCNAT

La SSHL è impegnata nella protezione delle acque e nell'uso sostenibile delle risorse idriche. Essa riunisce le competenze di varie discipline e si impegna a promuoverne un impiego mirato ed efficace.di più

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SnowHydro – International Conference on Snow Hydrology

Luogo della manifestazione


The purpose of the SnowHydro conference is to present recent research findings in all areas of snow hydrology, to facilitate scientific discussions and to provide opportunities for collaboration and cooperation.

Schnee Klimaportal
Immagine: Public Domain,

The conference shall attract scientists, students and other professionals with different geographic origin and scientific background. The participation of early career researchers is positively encouraged. The organizing committee will strive as far as possible for a balance with respect to senior and junior scientist in the conference’s sessions.


  • Deflusso
  • Idrologia, limnologia, glaciologia
  • Neve

Abstract submission

Lingue: Inglese