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Image: thomasfuer, photocase.demore

Omar Lenzi wins the phenology competition 2022

Omar Lenzi won the Phenology 2022 competition organized by the Swiss Commission for Phenology and Seasonality of SCNAT with his poster entitled: "Four decades of phenology in an alpine amphibian: trends, stasis, and climatic drivers".

Omar Lenzi KPS pheno contest winner 2022
Image: KPS Yann Vitasse

As part of his PhD thesis at the University of Zurich, Omar Lenzi is investigating various aspects of the life history and ecology of a common toad (Bufo bufo) population in the Swiss Alps.

He is analyzing the effect of environmental changes on the size and growth of individuals, phenology, mating system and the cascading consequences on the demography of this population. In addition to the scientific importance of this study, this project could also help guide management and conservation actions, as little is known about how amphibians living in alpine environments respond to climate change.
