SGM 2023: Symposium «Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Limnology»
As part of this year’s Swiss Geoscience Meeting theme on «new horizons in regional geosciences», the convenors of the Session «Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Limnology» would like to particularly encourage contributions that explore hydrological, hydrogeological, or limnological processes at regional scale. Furthermore, Early Career researchers can apply for the SSHL-SGHL Poster Award.

Processes in the hydrosphere vary greatly across spatial and temporal scales. Understanding, monitoring and modelling the diversity and similarity of these processes is still a significant ongoing challenge for research and water management, in Switzerland and globally.
As part of this year’s Swiss Geoscience Meeting theme on «new horizons in regional geosciences», we would like to particularly encourage contributions that explore hydrological, hydrogeological, or limnological processes at regional scale: which methods allow a new perspective on processes, how does the hydrosphere respond to climatic and anthropogenic changes and are there new dominant processes emerging, how could sustainable water management (e.g., drought or flood mitigation) or future urban planning look like (e.g., sponge cities)?
The session will consist of three parts:
- a topical part with presentations specifically focusing on limnology or hydro(geo)logy allowing for field-specific discussions
- a generic part with interdisciplinary presentations to enhance the exchange between fields, and
- a generic part with poster presentations on hydrological, hydrogeological, and limnological research.
The SSHL-SGHL offers two prizes (250 francs each) for posters presented at the SGM. Posters must be on display at the SGM poster session for evaluation by the jury.
Early Career researchers (PHD and Master students) can apply for the SSHL-SGHL Poster Award. Together with the decision on your abstract, the SSHL-SGHL will send you an application form by e-mail.
Deadline for the abstract submission: 31 August 2023
Deadline for the award application: 10 November 2023